Fire NOC

Multistory buildings with height more than 15 meters and all industrial buildings are required to get Fire NOC from state fire NOC. Due to the fire catastrophe every year thousands of people die and millions of property destroyed.

Documents Required

A. Provisional Fire NOC

  1. Authorization Letter
  2. Application from the Individual/Company/ Society on letterhead duly stamped and signed by authorized signatory or the Architect/ Civil Engineers appointed by the company along with authorization letter issued by the company. It should also indicate detailed address of site and the Development Control Rules made applicable for proposed development i.e. Municipal Corporation, Municipal Councils, and nearest fire service available
  3. Two set of all architectural drawings in metric system which should include Block Plan, Typical Floor Plan, Section & Elevation Plan etc. and floor wise area calculation certificate duly signed by Architect/ Civil Engineer.(Including free of FSI areas like basement, underground tanks, underground solvent storage areas etc.) If the drawing are already approved by any competent authority such as Town planning etc. the One Set of True Copy to be enclosed.
  4. Brief Note on Activities to be carried out in the building. If it is an Industrial or storage building then the Process flow chart of the plant duly certified by authorized person on his/her letterhead should be submitted.
  5. Brief Note on the Fire Prevention and Protection measures in case of existing building, one set of drawings of the existing fire protection arrangements should be submitted.
  6. Block Plan of building should be given with the details such as width of the main road on which plot is located, activities of the adjacent plots, width of main entrance, other entrance to the plot, Basement if any, Details of the activity carried out in Basement, Marginal spaces, approach roads around the building, and other details for industrial activities like transformer yard, utility block, raw material & finish goods storage, tank farm area, storage of hazardous gases, liquids etc. for e.g. LPG, “A”, “B” and “C”- class petroleum products, LDO etc.
  7. In case of industry the list of raw material (including Consumable Materials like LPG Cylinders, Storage quantity for Diesel Generators etc.) and finished goods with their quantity, their storage place in the plant should be marked on block plan.
  8. Details of Centralized Air Conditioning System, Provision of Fire Dampers, Ventilation systems etc., If
  9. If handling, processed or storage of any materials which requires permission from Govt. Agencies then, Copies of approvals taken from Govt. agencies like Chief Controller of Explosives (CCE), Excise Department. Gas Authority, MPCB, DISH, FDA, etc. In case of high rise building falling around airport, NOC from Civil Aviation Authority is required.
  10. If the building is in existence and has obtained Occupancy Certificate then, Fire Approval and occupancy certificate issued by concern planning authority, copy of the same should be submitted. The set of approved drawings shall be submitted.r
  11. Copy of Registration and License of the company should be submitted.
  12. The Architect/ Civil Engineer shall certify that the plans of proposed construction are confirming with the development control rules of concern competent authority and or provisions of NBC - 2005.
  13. Fire Protection Fund Fees Receipt. (This shall be issued by the Director’s Office after first submission of file

B. Final Fire NOC

  1. Authorization Letter
  2. Application from the Individual/ Company or the Architect/ Civil Engineer appointed by the company along with authorization letter issued by the company.
  3. One set of all drawings approved by concern planning authority that is Urban Local Body or Special Planning Authority, which should include Block Plan, Typical Floor Plan, Section and Elevation Plan etc., along with copy of the Provisional NOC issued by this office if any. OR Sets of Revised Drawings if any modification done while constructing the unit.
  4. If any modification in the industrial building Block Plan of company should be properly depicted details of main entrance, 2nd entrance to plot, surrounding of plot like any other company, road etc. Basement if any, Marginal spaces, approach roads around the plant, capacity of underground water storage tank and other details like transformer yard, utility block, raw material & finish goods storage, tank farm area, storage of hazardous gases, liquids etc. for e.g. LPG, “A”, “B” and “C” - class petroleum products, LDO etc.r
  5. If any modification in the residential building Elevation Plan and Typical Floor Plan should be properly depicted with details showing exits, Fire escapes, travel distance along the travel line, Provision of Lift& Fire Lift, terrace level water storage, location of fire duct, fire extinguishers, hydrant system, sprinkler system, alarm system etc. Details of Basement, Sub Basement, their ventilation system and exits.
  6. If any change of activity for industrial building, List of raw material and finish goods with their quantity, their storage place in the plant should be marked on block plan. Details of Centralized Air Conditioning System. Provision of Fire Dampers. Ventilation of building.
  7. Certificate issued by the License Agency approved by Director, Maharashtra Fire & Emergency Services OR by The Chief Fire Officer of Local Authority or Special Planning Authority & in some cases, the representative of Fire Department will carry out the final inspection of the plant. During the inspection the recommendations given in the Provisional NOC will be checked.

*Note: Additional Documents may be required For More Details Please Contact

Stages Involved in Provisional and Final

Stage 1: Collection of all required documents.

Stage 2: Drafting of an application form

Stage 3: Online submission of form

Stage 4: Issuance of Provisional Fire NOC

Stage 5: Document collection for Final fire NOC

Stage 5: Online application for Final Fire NOC

Stage 5: Issuance of Final Fire NOC

What you get by Fire NOC Application through Kishkinda Engineering Services.

Collection of all the supporting documents

Application Drafting and online submission to The Director Maharashtra Fire & Emergency Services regional office (Mumbai for Maharashtra)

Follow ups with Fire Services Department

Reply to queries raised by Fire Services Department

Provisional Fire NOC.

Final Fire NOC.