Due to the degrading levels of ground water, central government has made it mandatory for the industries to take the NOC to abstract ground water. If any organization is using ground water without any prior permission from CGWA before March31, 2019, it may cause a penalty of Rs 5000/day. Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) was constituted under sub-section (3) of Section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for the purposes of regulation and control of ground water development and management in the country.

Documents Required For Industrial Use:

Sr. No. Documents Withdrawal upto 10 KLD Withdrawal more than 10 KLD Withdrawal more than 500 KLD
1 Consent to operate/establish/approval letter from statutory bodies viz Ministry of Environment & Forest (MoEF) or State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC) or State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SLEIAA). Yes Yes Yes
2 Site Plan with location map. Yes Yes Yes
3 Flow Chart showing details of water requirement and recycled water use at each stage only for ground water withdrawal. No Details to be submitted in Tabular format Yes
4 Certificate of water availability/non availability from government water supplying agency NO (only self-declaration to be given) Yes Yes
5 Proposal for rainwater harvesting / artificial recharge as per the “Guidelines / Criteria for Evaluation of Proposals / Requests for Ground Water Abstraction (with effect from 16.11.2015)”. In case, the water harvesting / artificial recharge structure is proposed to be constructed outside the area of the industry, NOC is required from that agency/ authority where the structure is proposed. Dimension of pond should mention in NOC NO (only Roof top rainwater harvesting Design is required) Yes Yes
6 Computation of water requirement as per CPHEEO norms and taking into account of recycle / reuse of treated water as per Annexure. Yes Yes Yes
7 Comprehensive report on groundwater conditions in and around 5 km of the areas required if the industry extracts groundwater 500 m3/day or more. No No Yes
8 Ground water quality report of all existing tube wells may be done through government approved lab. Yes Yes Yes
8 Authorization letter from firm. Yes Yes Yes


Stage 1: Collection Of the required documents

Stage 2: Drafting of the application

Stage 3: Online application of the form on official CGWA website.

Stage 4: Submission of signed hard copy of all required documents to Regional Director

Stage 5: Issuance of NOC to abstract ground water.

What you get by NOC Application through Kishkinda Engineering Services.

Collection of all the supporting documents

Application Drafting and online submission to CGWA

Submission of signed hard copies of the documents to CGWA regional office

Follow ups with CGWA

Reply to queries raised by CGWA

Water quality report

Final NOC from CGWA to abstract ground water.